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IT Consulting

Reach your business goals faster

We work with you to learn more about your business and existing IT infrastructure, then use our expertise to improve your operations. We have a team of in-house consultants that factor in your business goals and capabilities and your strengths and weaknesses to help bridge the gap between your targets and your technology.

Whether you're looking for support to guide a new project to success or guidance on some considerable technological changes in your business, our IT consulting services are designed to help your business succeed. Our team of consultants can help your existing IT teams and infrastructure do more by streamlining your processes and workflows. There are lots of benefits that our IT consulting provides, such as:

Effective task delegation: We can help your business identify the right people and skills to allocate specific tasks. Doing so ensures that the work is done optimally and that the right people are comfortable performing the required tasks.

A cost-effective solution: Bringing an IT consulting team into your business can be expensive, which is why our services are so cost-effective. We provide consultancy as and when you need it. We don't work on retainers, so you have much more flexibility in financing work.

Improved productivity: You enjoy improved productivity by bringing in our IT experts. We look at how employees communicate and find the most effective solutions to make processes more efficient and effective.

Disaster Recovery

Keeping your business safe

The threat of cyber attacks is more pronounced than ever before, which is why our disaster recovery services are crucial for your business. If your business isn't operating as it should, your productivity drops and revenue begins to fall. If you can't get your systems back up and running quickly, things can get out of control fast.

Our disaster recovery services are designed to help mitigate these risks by ensuring your operations can continue in the event of an IT failure or cyber-attack. You won't have to worry about losing important data or downtime because we've planned for all outcomes. Our data recovery experts implement a robust suite of services that align with your business goals. When a crisis strikes, you and your business will be prepared. Our solutions include:

Ransomware detection: We keep your IT teams updated with the latest information about threats and vulnerabilities to keep your systems safe. We identify threats early to improve our mitigation strategies, ensuring your data remains secure.

Backup provisions: Our backup provisions ensure that your data - including files, keys and other digital assets - are monitored regularly to keep them safe and accurate. We can also provide alerts and reports to keep you updated.

Virtualisation: When a digital disaster happens, our virtualisation solution allows us to migrate your IT systems over to a cloud-based platform where it remains safe. This will enable you to continue your day-to-day processes and operations as usual, even if your systems are encountering issues.

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Software Solutions

What to expect from our software solutions

We inspect your existing processes and find applications that provide all the functionality and capabilities your business requires to excel. We consider the most complex business requirements before finding a suitable software solution. Our goal is to provide you with the latest and greatest innovations in IT so that you can leverage these tools to your advantage. We can help with requirements analyses, software sourcing, licensing and distribution.

We've designed our software solutions to work seamlessly with your business so that your workforce and clients can enjoy the latest digital tools. Moreover, our work makes the process as streamlined and straightforward as possible to mitigate any problems with uptake. When working with our team of specialists at Epic Cyber Systems to devise the best software solutions for your business, you'll enjoy a range of benefits. We've designed this service to provide maximum value to your business. Some of the benefits associated with this service include:

Support when you need it: We constantly monitor any implementations to ensure they work as intended and offer support round-the-clock to address any issues.

Strong IT security: We bring the latest security and protection tools with us when implementing our software solutions, so you enjoy the latest firewalls, antivirus applications and other forms of network protection.

The latest IT infrastructure: We work hard to invest in the latest tools and technologies, so your business enjoys the most agile and secure solutions available in today's market.

Network Security & Monitoring

How our network security and monitoring services work

We work to monitor for potential exploits and bolster your defences using the latest tools and techniques available. We go beyond implementation and continually monitor your networks to protect your business from unwanted intrusions or cyber-attacks. With data protection more important than ever, our network security and monitoring services are essential for your business's safety.

With the digital landscape changing by the day, it's more important than ever to implement a dynamic and intelligent solution to keep your networks secure. We cover a wide selection of challenges through this service, including:

Network intrusion: We monitor your networks to ensure they aren't vulnerable to network intrusion. We use the latest tools to know who connects to your network and identify any areas of vulnerability.

Denial of service attacks: Denial of service (DOS) attacks are malicious attacks on your network that could cause your entire network to fail. We implement various countermeasures, such as enhanced network capacity and purpose-built cloud backups, to ensure DoS attacks can't impact your network.

Unprotected devices: As more devices become a potential vulnerability, we focus on adding an extra layer of protection with things like two-factor authentication and enhanced network visibility so that unprotected devices don't leave your network open to attacks.

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